January 11th, 2024

Played more DS1. I'm up to O&S but I don't really think I wanna play more of the game. It just really hasn't aged well in a lot of ways. This isn't close to my first time playing it (and it was the first soulsborn game I played), but it just really feels clunky coming back from more recent games. I did go to play some DS3, starting with a new character. I really like the twinblades the game starts you with as mercenary. And I didn't realize until looking at the wiki page right now, but they're actually the weapon that gets picked up in speedruns of the game (speedruns have to start with thief so they can have spook right away), so. I guess I don't need to change my weapons. Also, Demon's Souls came today, as I mentioned. I'm not sure when I'll get to it.

The Arknights Endfield technical test also started. I've been playing that for the last bit, it's fun so far. I haven't gotten to the "meat" of it yet, but I'm liking what I see so far. It does seem to take a lot of direct inspiration from MiHoYo games, which makes me a little concerned for how long I'll be able to play it (besides the fact that playing multiple live service games at once messes with me), but so far it seems fine. I like that all your characters are actually on the field at once, my least favorite aspect of Genshin when I played that eons ago (I quit before Inazuma came out) was how you could pretty much only play with a "hyperbuff one DPS" strat.

The thing mom wanted to talk about was certifications. Idk what to say about it here, we just found one that could be good. I was thinking about getting a cert that reflected what I studied but if there's coursework involved it should probably be something else, mom sent me an article that listed some and I picked one from that and that was basically it. Not doing anything with it for a week or so because the tests are being updated soon though.